Monday, 6 May 2013

A Truly Good Walk...

A Bank Holiday just screams out for a lovely walk in the countryside and this Sunday, Storm, the Boy and I took my Mum and one of her beautiful ex-Guide Dogs out so we could get our fill of walkies in the sunshine.

But this wasn't just any old walk, it was the David Sime Memorial Walk in aid of Hounds For Heroes. Now, you might know that I have quite a soft spot for this special special charity (yes, it's just a few days now until my 60km trek for them!) but perhaps I should explain where all this started. Well, back in 2003 when I got married, we didn't ask for gifts, we asked for donations to the charity of our choice and the inspirational Allen Parton and the equally amazing Endal came to my wedding to collect the cheque. It was an encounter that has stuck with me for years (and indeed, has stuck longer than the husband but that's another story!)

Allen hasn't forgotten me over the last decade and I've been rooting for Hounds For Heroes since it's inception. It was wonderful to see Allen again, to see him with EJ and to introduce him to the Boy and to Storm.

Then it was off on the walk and it was beautiful. The route circled some truly heavenly countryside, through woods upholstered in bluebells and where the air was full of the scent of wild garlic. Pheasants rose from the undergrowth by our feet and deer trotted along the field ridges. It was the very best kind of countryside and it was the very best kind of day for walking.

It was so fabulous to walk on a well marked route and one that had flagged 'dog watering points' with bowls and water. Back at the gorgeous farm that hosted the event, there was food and drink aplenty, beautiful gardens to rest in and lots of lovely humans and canines to chat too. We all loved it.

But maybe one of the loveliest parts of the day happened much later that evening when my e-mail pinged at 10pm. It was an e-mail from Allen, thanking me for coming and bringing the family and that was very touching.

The slogan used by Hounds For Heroes isn't just a snappy tagline dreamed up by a branding expert with an eye for what works. It means everything.

'Together We Can'.

If you're new to Hounds For Heroes, check out this video. It might just make you smile.

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