Today seems like a particularly perfect point for a little review. Storm has been with us now for four months and today, she also went to the vets to be spayed. She's home now and sleeping off the drugs in her basket just next to me but the feeling of dropping her off and the relief at picking her up has made me think about how my life has changed since she arrived.
So, here are some of the things I've learned about Storm and myself over the last four months...
* When Boy was small, I'd always find baby wipes in every handbag. Now I find poop scoops everywhere.
* Thanks to Storm, I met some wonderful people (and dogs) and done things I'd never imagined trying.
* Watching a dog eat ice cubes on hot days is brilliant & guaranteed to make you laugh. We just need more hot days...
* I know the difference between 'marked' and 'blind'.
* Storm's happiness at seeing me every morning completely makes up for the lack of a lay-in.
* We need bigger sofas.
* We must always hide tennis balls.
* My ability to spot pigeons/cats/foxes in the garden is nowhere near good enough.
* I am more able to cope with poo and puke than I thought.
* I can carry a 15kg bag of food from the pet shop to the car with only a slight loss of feeling to my arms.
* Having the inside of your car redecorated in 'Shaken Dog' is actually fine and not worth worrying about.
* Dog people like a good chat when they're out walking. Extra time for talking must always be factored in to any schedule.
* A regular size Bonio lasts approximately 10 seconds.
* Storm is a great office assistant, especially on cold days when she likes to lay on my feet.
* Years of watching my Mum look after her dogs so wonderfully was great training.
* The thought of anything happening to her makes me feel sick inside.
* Storm makes me laugh every day. At least once. Without fail.
* Too many children are scared of dogs. This makes me really sad.
* She just 'gets' me & thinks I'm great.
* The last piece of poppadom in the curry takeaway bag is reserved for Storm.
* Being the 'Girl' of Gundog & Girl rocks. But the Gundog herself is off the scale of fabulousness.
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